Upholstery and Mattress Cleaning

Our team specializes in caring for your furniture and your home. If you have any pets or children, there is a high chance that there’s a few messes at your place. Even though you are cleaning your place from top to bottom, sometimes you just can’t get rid of a stain or a spill that has happened after a long period of time already. The equipment and tools that we use for cleaning will help you solve your problem.

Cleaning the Furniture and Upholstery

For certain fabrics it’s definitely hard to clean, but it is needed though. Some of the furniture at your home should be regularly cleaned because of allergens buildups. Even dust and other microscopic particles can build up for a certain amount of time if not checked properly. Scheduling a cleanup service for your upholstery to remove dirt, stains, and unwanted color from your furniture will also benefit you to remove all of that unpleasant appearance.

In doing this, you will not only feel less stressed about having visitors or relatives to come over but it increases the health and safety of everyone living with you. We will only use high quality products in cleaning and the best equipment to use in restoring your fabrics without damaging it.

Removing those Dust Mites and Cleaning Old Mattress

No need to buy a new mattress just because there’s an old stain that you can’t manage to remove. We have years of experience removing any kind of dirt or stain that has seeped into the fabric after a long period of time. You may think it’s not needed and you can just keep changing your bed sheets all the time, but tests show that your bed can unfortunately host a lot of bacteria, fungal pores, dust mites, and much more without the proper cleaning tools. Bed is something that most of us use every day, and because of these thousands of skin cells are being shed daily, and many of these ends up in the mattress whenever you go to sleep.

As for dust mites, I think it’s very common to experience this if you don’t clean your bed thoroughly, and in most cases, a lot of people are too busy with their work or daily routine to do this. Dust mites’ infestation can not only spread to other furniture, but will also make it hard for you to sleep at night while those tiny critters feed on your skin. So, if you think your bed is squeaky clean after changing those sheets but you end up scratching a lot while you lay on it, think again, those dust mites are already making your mattress into their home.

Contact the Professionals!

Call us for some deep cleaning for your floors, beds, and furniture. No need to stress out on the messy details of your home. We are here to make it easier for you by identifying what cleaning solution is best to solve any of your problems.